woohooo !! new templates :D
May 31, 2010 | 31.5.10

Hello everyone :D,

finally i'm changing my blog skin yay ! and i was so happy, although i changed it yesterday -____- .
Anyways, now i'm doing some research for some article on my blog, so wait for the article okay? ;) .
And now, I was reading a book about a vision of a servant of God, and i was very excited XD , for your information the name of the author of the book is
Rick Joyner :D. I was really excited because the book is cool :D .
For my sister, Fight !! for your final exam :D , hopefully you got a good score :) . Actually i want to add read-more feature to my blog
but, I think maybe later when I change the blog skin again. anyway I ran out of ideas :D

so, maybe next post :D bye :)

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about long holiday and others
May 29, 2010 | 29.5.10

hello readers :D
finally i'm posting :D
and about my days, hmmmm it feels so boring, because i have nothing to do,
and about my template i feel it already out of date and ugly so i will remove it tomorrow.
and about place i already come in this holiday is :
my house, mall (mkg, mag, moi), book store (gramedia, visi, victory, metanoia) and school
i still have to go to school because there is a graduation ceremony and we (all of the 9th grade)
must practice for the ceremony.
and the most headlines thing, in the ceremony we must wear a cultural clothes or something
kind like that because i don't know the english =='
okay see you on my new blog skin :D

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God is GREAT
May 10, 2010 | 10.5.10

‎​God is GREAT


G-grace: it's all because of God's grace."Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri" Ef 2:8.

R-responsibility: be responsible in all your action."Apapun juga yang kamu perbuat, perbuatlah dengan segenap hatimu seperti untuk Tuhan dan bukan untuk manusia" Kol 3:23.

E-effort: always put your best effort"Dan tidak makan roti orang dgn percuma, tetapi kami berusaha dan berjerih payah siang malam, supaya jangan menjadi beban siapapun diantara kamu" 2tes 3:10.

A-attitude: have a positive attitude"Dalam segala hal kamu ditindas, namun tidak terjepit; kami habis akal, namun tidak putus asa; kami dianiaya, namun tidak ditinggalkan sendirian, kami dihempaskan namun tidak binasa" 2kor 4:8.

T-thankfulness: always be thankful"Mengucap syukurlah dalam segala hal, sebab itulah yang Dikehendaki Allah di dalam Kristus Yesus bagi kamu" 1Tes 5:18.Roh kuduslah yang memberi kita kemampuan untuk saling:

N-nurture other: mengasuh.

E-encourage other: mendukung.

S-serve other: melayani.

S-sacrifice for other: berkorban.

GREATNESS in you, and people will see HIS"Ia harus makin besar, tetapi aku harus makin kecil" Yoh 3:30

make it simple..

from mailing list [SYTB]

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graduate :D
May 9, 2010 | 9.5.10

yea everyone, hello :D
it's about graduate and i did it !! with good mark also XD
and here it is the score :
for Bahasa its 8.60
for English its 9.40
for Math its 9.25
and for science its 9.00
total : 36.25

and for the first time i see it i'm so surprised, because its quite high ! XD
and another good news that all of student is graduate :) 100% graduate
yes !!
thanks God :)
thanks Jesus :D

see you :)

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pengumuman kelulusan :D part-2
May 7, 2010 | 7.5.10

yak sodara2 ternyata itu hoax hahahahahahaha :D
sungguh hebat hoax itu dapat membuat semua orang penasaran hahahaha
ok ternyata memang musti liat langsung :)

see you tomorrow :)

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pengumuman kelulusan :D part-1
May 6, 2010 | 6.5.10

saat ini seluruh anak kelas 9 ato 3 smp sedang menunggu dengan harap2 cemas
akan hasil kelulusan yg akan keluar jam 00:00

hampir tidak ada yg tidak bisa tidur karena hasilnya akan keluar sebentar lagi,
hasil dapat dilihat di http://www.diknas-jakarta.org

dan serunya lagi, web tersebut hanya baru buka jam 00:00

jadi bagaimana ini ? :D

see you in the next post :)
setelah kulihat hasil pengumuman :)

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